Thursday, September 25, 2014

Allergic to Life - Everything Seems Artificial

These past two days have marked a new low for me in a personal level.

I made the mistake of not buying a car with air conditioning and the dry heat and awful traffic have made my life a living hell. It's my fault for not buying a car with ac.

The buddhist way is to reflect upon the poor situation as it occurs. Yet I cannot do this. Instead the anger builds up and I end up cursing or making turns where I shouldn't to avoid traffic. I only reflect at my actions long after, when I'm at home lying down and thinking about it. The way I act out when I'm upset is not good, and it saddens me that I can't be more balanced in the face of hardship.

I hate getting upset. I hate getting angry. It saddens me, like a huge tragedy.

But how am I suppose to feel or think?

The buddhist say, "As we deepen our spiritual awareness, our suffering, which is mere illusion caused by false views, will diminish and vanish altogether."

I'm not sure if I'm suppose to think that being "angry or upset" is the false view here. There is no illusion about the fact that heat causes people to get angry. It's been documented in case studies done in Phoenix Arizona.

If anything I need to take responsibility for buying such a car. Then I need to look at ways to avoid being stuck in traffic in the heat. Perhaps I can stick to the bus, which has ac, during peak traffic hours.

In one of those moments of reflection though, I came up with the idea that LIFE is all about CONDITIONING, RECONDITIONING, and DECONDITIONING. And it got me thinking how artificial that seems to make life. But I suppose the purpose is to find good conditioning.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Contemplation of the Word: NEOPHYTE

I came across the word Neophyte today while reading about Personal Alchemy from CC Zain's The Brotherhood of Light and Religion of the Stars Lessons on

They are a religion of Hermeticism stemming from the esoteric writings of the Greek God Hermes Trismegistus.

But also I wanted to say that I first decided to look at a video today by Infinite Waters' Ralph Smart. I was listening to him speak about how to open up the 3rd Eye. He mentions facts and biological terms like the pineal gland releasing melatonin. But he also mentions that it's all about thinking on the right side of the brain, as an artist. But the more your 3rd eye opens the more you become an alchemist, and then a magician who can utilize both brain hemispheres seamlessly. Ralph mentions the importance of this gland and the importance of opening up the 3rd Eye: He mentions that raw foods and super foods (spirulina for example) activate the pineal gland because of their enzymes. He says it's the seat of intuition. 

IN my spiritual journey I will go on a more alkaline diet, eat little to no meat, abstain from all things with fluoride, take Iodine Supplements, and embrace the darkness to become whole.

Now again about the word Neophyte, it includes Neo in the word, which can mean new or newbie. Like Neo from the Matrix he was new to the philosophies and ideas of what encompassed the movie.
I too am a neo, a neophyte to be exact who is learning how to be more spiritual and more equipped to live a fulfilling life. 
To learn about the Philosophy of The Matrix visit this blog:

The following is a paintings titled The Neophyte by the French, Gustave Dore.

Friday, August 15, 2014

The Reason Why Focus and Attention Is Important

So this goes back to my telepathic communion with Jackie and Monica.. they told me to make a collage of textbook articles that speak of Focus and Attention..

Now I have found the WHY?

The answer is here:

Watch this video specifically made for Intuitive Empaths like myself who become drained and used and abused by Energy Vampires.. aka Negative Creeps

How to Stop Absorbing Other People's Energy by Ralph Smart

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Why the Supermoon and Comets Affect my Personality

The scientific community scoffs at astrology, all of it, not even considering the weird and staggering statistics of people who are hospitalized during supermoons, comets, or other astronomical events.

Wikipedia states the following, ".. there is no proposed mechanism of action by which the positions and motions of stars and planets could affect people and events on Earth that does not contradict well understood basic aspects of biology and physics."

I have a theory to explain why the supermoon and comets affect my personality, which they do, and they have for years now. Most likely since my diagnosis in 2007. I am not a magician I don't practice magic, no matter how others may assume and judge. I am an indigo child/adult and here is my theory:

To explain why or how the moon affects me and comets, one has to look at the existence of fractals. The comets affect our orbit even at the conscious and biological level all thanks to consciousness.
It's like this fractal is the consciousness that weaves my personality and biology and it's perhaps...

I'll stop there.

First Telepathic Communion with Jackie and Monica

Yesterday, a few hours after my fine art printmaking class, I communicated telepathically to two art classmates.

I see it possible as if her spirit could be in two places at the same time, in my head and in her body living and doing things as normal. It's almost similar to the theory of unlimited outcomes as featured in the documentary, WHAT THE BLEEP DO WE KNOW? ("the court of unending possibilities").

Anyway, they communicated this with me:
  •  Make a collage of color copies, the copies will be of: Focus & Attention articles & textbook pages. Then memorize the Contents of the Collage.
  • Get things right the FIRST TIME.
  • Christ Consciousness > lots who don't realize it unless they get spiritual.
and finally, the "8 PHASES OF HUMANITY":

  1. hunting gathering
  2. farming
  3. industrial
  4. experience
  5. transcendence
  6. WAR
  7. recuperation (3rd definition on

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The Comets plus the Supermoon

I'm all out of my normal self.. I appear to be at varied levels of consciousness.

My mood however is not affected (much). However I failed to take my Saphris medication last night and to some may appear to be in a hypomanic phase. I've taken ativan to calm my nerves. My brain and heart are still fired up. I sense to easily, too quickly, too much, too soon, etc.

I've learned that the cities in Orange County are created in a fortified like design and architecture, creating a supposed deterministic approach. My sense of psychic or intuitive abilities are at an obviously heightened level for reasons you can imagine. I'm an indigo child.

I want the coincidences to stop. It's too many and I'm starting to not like it at all. I drank some tea but it's not enough, again I'm trying ativan. So far I've taken one pill.

Soon I'll be leaving for my fine art printmaking class, I'm done with my project and will not be printing but I have to show up for a Relief Printmaking test.

My teacher said, "I'm not out of the wilderness yet." I know what he means now.

Please note I am not depressed, just upset. A little angry. I feel like Jesus and I'm being prosecuted, they'll use me up, abuse me, and throw me to the dungeon after they've made damaged lemons out of me.

Again, negative stuff, but right now, I'm not in a state of mind I would like to be. It's too heightened. Not Zen enough for me.

I'm ill equipped for this. I need Archangel Metatron to help me unravel the mysterious demon consciousness without driving me out of my mind.

Monday, August 11, 2014

A Angel Fine Art Story - The Empath

Let me start out with this:

I perceive Angels as being in a constant state of higher consciousness, and they incarnate as humans to experience not only the rush of reaching it from time to time but to help the rest of us reach it. The goal of it all, is up to you.

Inspired by the new trailer to The Giver Movie

I am going to scrap my old vampire short film script, Love Blast and transform it into a story not of a vampire but of an incarnated angel and call this fine art story The Empath.

This particular story will be for one of my screenwriting film classes which I'll enroll in next year in mid January. So I have some time till then, yet I need to start on it asap. I have a tendency to write slow. Writing is not my forte.

But I can tell you, it will include a Hero's Journey filled with self-actualization/self-realization and a note worthy twist (I think). I hope this story "incarnates the literature of the day."

Spiritual Meet Ups in Orange County

There are some bad connotations with the word "channeling" or so that's what I've heard but I like to refer to channeling by saying "spiritual communications."

A couple of days ago I decided to look on for spiritual groups, I am happy with my findings.

This is one event I've signed up for on that site:
OC Channeling - Q&A with the Guides!

They also have a Practice session where we practice spiritual communication, I just signed up for that, it's in September though.

So far there is no group for Indigo Adults in my location, thus I'm creating a meetup group called:

And each member is a KIN.

I will be paying the organizer fee of $19 a month.

My group has the following tags:

Friday, August 8, 2014

A Wild Theory of Today's Apocolypse

In a previous post we learned that The Apocalypse means Change. It is a Latin word with a Greek root for Change. I first heard this from my Fine Art Printmaking Instructor, which he learned from reading a book on an artist by the name of Dürer.

I will see if I can get the title of that book, but states the following about the origin of the word Apocalypse:
1125–75; Middle English  < Late Latin apocalypsis  < Greek apokálypsis revelation, equivalent to apokalýp tein to uncover, reveal ( apo-apo- + kalýptein  to cover, conceal) + -sis -sis

Keeping in mind the Origin as explained in I want to make a bold statement and that is that Today's Apocalypse is the Revelation of Indigo Children, Crystal Children and Rainbow Children. We are uncovering our true nature as sensitive children. We are uncovering hidden Truths, how our economy works, how the NSA has tapped into our most private moments. And much more. It can be numerous.

The USA Conquered Iraq based on lies, based on Greed. There was War, there is War. And there is war in Israel. Now there is Famine too, there is the Ebola disease. And there is death. Death in all this.

So what change is coming? Or is it here already? Yes, more than ever children are more aware they are old souls.

Deep down I believe children should rule the world. They are little sages. So all this conquest, war, famine, death is revealing something .. something that will change the world.

Can you come up with your own thoughts on this? Please comment them now.

My Wild Storylines - Seeds of Inspiration


  • Fallen Angels are Demons on Earth existing in a Demon-Consciousness
  • There is a Demon Consciousness full of Toxic Acidic Unhealthy Feelings
  • There is a Christ Consciousness full of Loving Feelings
  • There are Archangels and Guardian Angels that obey God but that will not intervene due to our Free Will unless we ask them for help
  • The Apocalypse means "Change" followed by the 4 Horsemen who are followed by "Demons"
  • The 4 Horsemen as depicted in the Book of Revelations by John of Patmos are: Conquest, War, Famine, Death
  • Spirituality is the Key to Oneness and to a Clean World, a United World, Enlightenment, and Higher Consciousness, Our True Nature, Truth, Sense of Mission, Peace, True Evolution, Our Root...
  • There are people with extraordinary abilities who are here to bring about a spotlight on Spirituality, something the Demon Consciousness has covered up
  • These special people are extra sensitive and can loose their way, in a world abundant with ills
  • They must discover Spirituality to find their mission in life
  • They must eradicate their Demons that is not tap into the Demon Consciousness but to tap into a Buddha Consciousness, a Christ Consciousness and this can come about by being "Straight Edge" and studying Spirituality
  • Spirituality does not teach Morality if it does then it is not Spirituality, it is something else
  • We are all connected as One Being in God, and Spirituality is our True Nature 

It wasn't until just this month that I started to believe in Angels again. I mean really believe. As a sensitive child and imaginative child, I grew up thinking, everyone has a guardian angel. In cartoons I use to see characters who had to make a choice between doing a good deed or a bad deed, and the cartoonist always drew a bad angel and a good angel. It was unwritten, that the bad angel would represent the bad deed.

I understood that as a child. But this month I'm thinking more and more about it. I've come to firmly believe in guardian angels and Archangels and thus Fallen Angels. I even bought Angel Oracle Cards. I meditate to Angels, I ask my Angels for guidance in every little thing, from what I should call my blog to what I should wear. I've read in the Angel Oracle Card manual that the Angels respect our free will, and that is why they will not intervene unless we are open to them and unless we let them.

I have come up with some wild theories on the workings of Angels. Sometimes I think: In our moments that we lack higher consciousness and awareness we are on auto mode and perhaps at the whim of our angels. But who knows.

But with that concept I wonder if artist who are barely starting out have moments where they are expressing themselves in an auto mode, then could the Angels are be at work there? Could they be communicating through small to large details in artwork?

As an artist who has taken art history I have noticed similarities in artworks between varying cultures across the World, all before the advent of the World Wide Web.

One obvious is the pyramids. My theory goes further, to say that it is part of Oneness, of One-Mind Consciousness. We are all interconnected.

I've also come up with other theories For example, I have a theory that Demons are Fallen Angels. Yes Catholics believe this, but I take a step further, I believe that there is a Demon-Consciousness. As there is a Chris-Consciousness. And so I'm slowly building a story here.

My goal in all this is to create a story, like a mini empire. One with a princess and villains. It sounds overloaded doesn't it? I apologize, I ask Archangel Metatron, who use to be the Prophet Enoch in life, who specializes in assisting "special children" to help me organize and focus.

And so in this hour I will purchase some herbal vitamins that enable focus and attention. I recommend vitamins from Nature's Sunshine. They vitamins that support the digestive system have helped me with bowl movement issues which is a side effect of the mental medications that are prescribed by my psychiatrist.

Could I be an Indigo Child - Part 3

Ever since I could remember I've been a talented artist. I am now just honing and refining my artistic skills with higher education in the fine arts. Specifically Illustration and Film.

I was always getting compliments for my drawing skills, I especially am thankful to my teachers and my principal for letting my class learn drawing from art videos. It was fun. I still remember some of the drawings learned in 2nd grade. It's great.

But I thank God and his Angels for letting me have this gift. As I grow older so does my ability in color and composition. Supposedly children have a good eye for composition, but loose it as teens. I can say as an adult it takes some real imagination and thought to come up with visually stimulating compositions. You may find some data and case studies online.

So as a child I was mystified by colors, and it wasn't until last year in my beginning painting class (fall 2013) that I opened up my heart to color. Last night I visualized color combinations that made my chest and brain swell.

I call this one "A Message From Archangel Gabriel."

My favorite part was mixing Hyana Yellow with Turquoise Green to get that green you see for the palm leaves on the palm trees.

Could I be an Indigo Child? Part 2

Why do I suspect I'm an Indigo Child?

I grew up a Catholic and as a child I was a true believer of Jesus and God. I use to pray every night before sleep, on my knees by my bed. One night I prayed to God and to Jesus for the gift of foresight, to literally see the future.

I'm unsure how long after that it took for me to begin having strange experiences. Once I had an out of body experience, where I was floating at the foot of my bed looking down at myself sleeping, but then I could also see two other me's floating in my room on opposite sides. It was like a trinity. I still remember it like it was yesterday. I must of been 6 or 7 or 8.

Then when I use to walk to my elementary school I would be walking in front of the cafeteria, about 60 feet away I would play guessing games, and most times I would guess the correct breakfast meal.

The reason I prayed for this ability was psychological. I wanted to know the future so that I could see threat and evil when it was approaching. That is all. If you think it was for anything else, then you are wrong.

I am 32 now but when I was 18 I had a vision that came abruptly and unannounced. I saw a large skyscraper and a white commercial plane and in between those two images I saw a large yellow and red fire ball. It was obvious that the plan went into that building and caused that fireball. That was in July of 2001. And I was on the phone with my best friends. A month and a half later I was taking a summer class and my teacher said, "turn on the tv, hurry." So a student did and we all saw the second plane go into the second Twin Tower. That image was similar to what I saw in my vision.

Since then, since childhood, I've had several little instances like that, where it seems I can see the future. Some come in my dreams too.

However, I don't have them as often as you may think. I suppose I'll get access to the future as God wishes for me.

There is a lot of info out there on Indigo Children and some of it seems blotted. I've come across some good articles and good authors, but ultimately I must look within and find answers. Experiential Research starts with the self.


Could I be an Indigo Child? Part 1

I've come to believe, since earlier this week that I am an indigo child.

Some would ask how do I know if they even exist? I say I am proof. Many others out there with "extraordinary" or ESP abilities are too. Without being egotistical, I'd like to believe that everyone has an indigo child inside them or can tap into the high consciousness and awareness to become an indigo child.. a sort of enlightenment.

I just realized my mission in life, if not my mission for the next 5 years:
Focus on creating a documentary on Spirituality, whether it be an animation or live action.

Rajan Vakil, a trained artist, meditation teacher and Indian sage has said that Spirituality does not teach Morality. So I tell you if it does then it is not Spirituality.

And with that I want to say that to become Spiritual is to wake up, to become Enlightened, to be in a Higher Consciousness, a Higher Frequency, you begin to be an Indigo Child you were meant to be. You start to find a mission. Like I have. I only speak from my own experience.

Ultimately it is up to you to find your indigo child within and thus your mission(s).

There is a lot of info out there on Indigo Children and some of it seems blotted. I've come across some good articles and good authors, but ultimately I must look within and find answers. Experiential Research starts with the self.


Indigo Children - LINKS

A favorite Blogger of mine -

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Astrology and Age of Aquarius (LINKS)

The Era of Utopia

Last night as I was watching a Spirit Science animation video I had some wonder about what Satya Yuga signifies. This term was featured toward the end of the video.

I feel my guide and best friend was telling me to look those terms up, but it's also something profound to me, and wikipedia has some statements to back up my claim:
"Amongst the four eras, the Satya Yuga is the first and the most significant one. Knowledge, meditation, and penance hold special importance in this era. All the pillars of religion are present in totality. The average life expectancy of a human being in Satya Yuga is believed to be over 4000 years. During Satya Yuga, all people engage only in good, sublime deeds. Ashrams become devoid of wickedness and deceit. Natyam (such as Bharatanatyam), according to Natya Shastra, did not exist in the Satya Yuga "because it was the time when all people were happy" described in the Mahabharata, a Hindu epic:
[...] there were no poor and no rich; there was no need to labour, because all that men required was obtained by the power of will; the chief virtue was the abandonment of all worldly desires. The Krita Yuga was without disease; there was no lessening with the years; there was no hatred or vanity, or evil thought; no sorrow, no fear. All mankind could attain to supreme blessedness. [...]"

So I am taken a back. I realize this helps me write my fine art story for Gracie the "Demon" Hunter. But the text seemingly describes a miraculous Utopia.

I've taken the step to look up a Consciousness Center located here in my city of Anaheim, California. They have yoga and meditation tonight at 7pm, so I will be attending. They also have Swadhyaay (Group Study) tomorrow and I'll want to ask about it.

When googling Swadhyaay I was asked by google search if I meant: "Swadhyaya". Upon looking that up on wikipedia I was amazed to find this:

Swadhyaya means study of self for a spiritual quest.
"The Swadhyay Parivar is a socio-religious movement based in MaharashtraIndia."
- wikipedia article 

The Swadhyay Movement of the 1950s almost plays out like a movement that ushers into an example of Utopian societies.  But even in that movement there was discourse. It wasn't perfect. Still I'm excited to say I'm inspired this is helpful to my creative writing and helpful to building a spiritual side.

Finding my Purpose

I've come to believe that my purpose is to infuse spirituality with fine arts. And then to spread fine arts to the masses. My mission in life is spreading fine arts, like others are spreading consciousness and their philosophies. It wasn't until last fall of 2013 that I promised a dead friend I too would help spread consciousness, a higher awareness, the stuff beyond logic and reason. And so I have two missions in life.

With infusing spirituality into fine arts, especially traditional art like drawing and painting as well as film, it requires I become the spirit being I was once before inhabiting this body. But I am not alone in this discovery, this journey. I have a dead best friend in my head who guides me. And as some intuitive would say, I also have guardian angels, and Archangels to thank. As well as God.

On the most fundamental and physical realm, I have my psychiatrist and my therapist, my family, my friends, my schoolmates, my professors, and some kind strangers to thank for assisting me to reach my spiritual side and my artistic side. I want to hone and own these two aspects.

It's hard for me to hone and own spirituality, there is no class for it, it's all self help books and.. well.. the information is out there it's just that one has to look and be lucky. Or as I do, I ask my guide and best friend to assist.

I'm just now getting started with researching and learning about Archangels and New Age stuff. I read New Age articles with a skeptic mind, and sometimes I find scientific data to prove them wrong, but one thing that science can't disprove is the psychic abilities, Extra Sensory Perceptions of people, of the intuitive, of "Indigo Children." And with that I delve into New Age stuff, into One Mind consciousness, into Oneness, into Hinduism, into Prayer and into the Spirit.

Monday, August 4, 2014

DNA Activation - Real Life Mutations

We lightly touched on DNA Activation in an earlier post. Where the reason for Indigo children was said to be due to DNA mutations. We didn't go into depth on this until now. Well I won't go fully in to depth but I'll list some resources and quotes:

First resource comes from Greg Braden:
"Greg Braden was the first to expose this in his ground breaking book Walking Between the Worlds:'If we define ourselves genetically, this new species looks different in terms of specific DNA, though their bodies may appear as the familiar bodies of friends and loved ones. On a molecular level, beyond the seeing of the naked eye, they have allowed themselves to become genetic possibilities that were not available just a few short years ago. In the open literature there are reports of a phenomenon that scientists have named spontaneous genetic mutation. They are called spontaneous because they appear to have developed during the course of an individual's lifetime in response to a life challenge rather than appear as a new form of the code detected at birth. In these instances, the genetic code has learned to express itself in a new way that serves the individual's survival.'"

Who is Greg Braden?
He is a new age author.

I found a website today that talks about DNA Activation and it includes another mention of the child born with HIV who suddenly was cured.

"The most amazing piece of information regarding these changes was this report of a young boy who was tested positive for HIV when he was born. Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, School of Medicine report unambiguous evidence of a boy who tested positive for HIV twice - at 19 days of age and one month later. Yet by every measure, this kindergartner appears to have been HIV free for at least 4 years [in a quote from an article in the April 1995 Science News]. The study was reported by Yvonne J. Bryson and her colleague in the March 30, 1996, New England Journal of Medicine .... 'The virus is not lying dormant within the body, opportunistically awaiting an external cue to become active; it is eradicated from the body!''"

I just finished emailing Dr. Bryson at UCLA in hopes that will let me document her on video. I hope she lets me.

Tonight I read a beautiful passage on Mahāyāna Buddhism, in some ways it ties in to DNA Activation and what I term "Self-Alteration":

"...the teachings of Mahāyāna Buddhism which is a philosophy of mind. This is the ‘Consciousness Only’ school which, like Berkeley, asserts that the objective world we perceive to be real is ultimately a product of our minds. The mind is simply a movie projector and the external world we experience is the projection of our consciousness. Opinions differ whether this school goes so far as saying that the external world does not exist, but they do argue that every object is significantly altered by our conscious perception."

The Heart of Healing

In a previous blog post we were exposed to a possibility that consciousness can affect DNA. In this post we take a look at case studies, actually I'm going to put this out there as a list of resources with some quotes from those sources:

MIND/BODY - Consciousness affects our health, i.e. Stress can bring on a multitude of illnesses.

"PNI research continues at many major medical institutions around the world, where medical practices based on PNI research – including meditation, hypnosis, and imagery – are being offered as standard treatment protocols."
The article is by Noetic Sciences, please check them out, they are a good source on learning more about consciousness. In the article I've posted here there is a reference to a  "six-hour television series called 'The Heart of Healing,' produced by Turner Broadcasting. It provided an international audience of healthcare consumers with new language and a new narrative to assimilate mind-body perspectives and approaches into their understanding of wellness."

An article on this TV Series.
A video Clip by the Producer and Writer.

Bible Code Revelations

In a previous post, we learned about Drunvalo Melchizedek. He states that one of the 3 variant human species, Children of AIDS as he refers to it, are showing characteristics of immunity to all disease and he links this phenomina to something in the Bible Code -- a sentence comes up when the word "AIDS" is translated: "the end of disease". Which seems like a clue to the effects of children being born with disease and later being immune and seemingly cured from it and from other diseases.

Wikipedia states some eye opening, mind blowing statements about the Bible Code:
"This is based on a belief that the Torah is unique among biblical texts in that it was given directly to mankind (via Moses) in exact letter-by-letter sequence and in the original Hebrew language."

My mind and imagination begin to run wild and free. But I firmly believe that it could have been any human race and any other human language, that the Hebrews are not to be thought of as super special. That God doesn't only speak to them. They say they are the children of God, but we all are. Imagine how different the world would look now if the biblical texts were revealed to a person in Thailand or Egypt? I believe God has revealed a lot to other cultures, there is the Buddha by the way. But what I find is that the Bible is a certain kind of person's cup of tea. And the Buddhist Sutras another's cup of tea.

So who is Drunvalo Melchizedek?

He is a new age author of Flower of Life:
"The Flower of Life and the Seed of Life are linked by New Age authors with the Biblical prophet Enoch, the Archangel Metatron, the six days of Creation, the Vesica Piscis religious symbol, and Borromean rings.[2][3]" - Wikipedia
His work plays into one of my research goals:
Find info on Prophet Enoch (Archangel Metatron).

Indigo Children - The Children of Ascension

Today I discovered a youtube channel (Spirit Science) that has some awesome animation videos explaining Spiritual Phenomena.

A conversation about Indigo Children starts at 5:09 of this youtube video:
Spirit Science 4: Male Female Energy

NOTE: There is one discrepancy, the video states that two genes result in Indigo children being born, ASPM and Microcephalin, but having read an abstract from Oxford Journals (The ongoing adaptive evolution of ASPM and Microcephalin is not explained by increased intelligence) I see that the reason Indigo children are special may really not be entirely because of these particular genes.

In the article it states:
"Our overall findings do not support a detectable association between the recent adaptive evolution of either ASPM or Microcephalin and changes in IQ." 

Perhaps, the answer lies in some part of consciousness that is yet to be fully understood.

In a previous blog post I posted a link to a website that describes the various Archangels, reading that I found out Archangel Metatron specializes in caring for these "special" children.

More info on Indigo Children aka the Children of Ascension can be found in the following website:

There Drunvalo Melchizedek makes a bold statement of saying there are different human species being born identified by literally different DNA. With almost superhuman abilities and talents. Who are being drugged to fit into a society that is not fitting to them and has not even worked well.

He states:
"I believe Lee Carroll is calling the children being born here in the U.S. the 'Indigo Children'. I personally think the two groups are coming from the same source, however, I don't know that for sure. There appear to be two separate groups, incredibly psychic and amazing."
Speaking further of the Children of AIDS, an incredible quote from Dunvalo is a statement that plays into a global One Mind consciousness:
"I think someone has made the path - one child did it somewhere. Then he put it into the grids and it is now in the subconscious of the earth and is accessible to anyone. Once that happened I think somehow or another other people have connected to this on a subconscious level in deep meditation and prayer and made the change. A new race is being born..."

Also in the article by is a description of Indigo Children by Dr. Doreen Virtue:
We're seeing a new generation of Masters coming into the planet, and they have been called Star Children, Blue Children, and, through Nancy's work, they are called, from our perspective, the Indigo Children.   The phrase Indigo Children comes from the colour of the aura around these children.  An Indigo Child is one who displays a new and unusual set of psychological attributes, and shows a pattern of behaviour generally undocumented before.
What's happening is, we have a new paradigm of souls, of beings, coming into the Earth. We have them being shoved into a left-brained society, where to be left-brained is to be honoured; to be right-brained -- that is, the artist, the musician, dancer, painter, writer, or creative thinker -- is not to be honoured. The Indigos are integrated and will help us as we move into brain-hemisphere balance."

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Guiding Angels

I'm starting a lifelong journey to learn more about Angels through Doctor Doreen Virtue. There is nothing negative about this or her text. Anyone that speaks or thinks negatively about her or her text and thus about me is misunderstood, egotistical, apathetic and just plain wrong. You would need to have those characteristics or at least one of those to dislike her.

As a sensitive artist and intuitive person, I hope to learn and grow spiritually, emotionally, physically, and mentally with her books and with those of Dr. Larry Dossey.

Tonight I ordered a used copy of Healing with the Angels by Dr. Doreen Virtue. Amazon gave me the opportunity to read some pages before my paperback arrives in the mail. So far I'm liking what I'm reading. Coming from a Catholic upbringing, I feel and think that her teachings are valid to anyone.. except Athiest. She mentions God and Guardian Angels in a way that Athiest would not agree with. However, if you're Agnostic I recommend this book, but you don't have to be entirely religious to believe in God or Angels. Or so that's what I'd like to believe, but I'm just getting started.

I received an email with information on Archangels, and I'm especially intrigued by Metatron, it says he use to be mortal and a prophet/scribe, Enoch. So I will try to learn more about Enoch while at the same time reading on Angels. Metatron specializes in "sensitive" children like Indigo or Rainbow children who are here to bring humanity to ascension. I will be looking into this idea as well.

Archangels a site by Rhiannon - I will be contacting her regarding Archangel Metatron, Children of Ascension, and more.

Fine Art Story

I have a handful of fine art stories, but they are only little pieces to a jigsaw puzzle.

I have to finish my fine art story(s) without feeling overwhelmed or tired or disillusioned.

Asking my angels and my dead friend for guidance in writing my fine art story(s) is mandatory. I must give myself to them and they will give themselves to me. I will be working for them but essentially it is my fine art story. I've asked them for guidance in helping me write a compelling story and they are so far doing a great job at guiding me to references like books by authors who have earned PhDs and who are spreading amazing messages.

When it comes to spirituality and philosophy those ideas can be nurtured at any age and believed at any age. That in itself says a lot to me. And I'd like the two to highly influence my work.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Outreach to Children in my Community

Tonight I learned about ArtReach San Diego Art classes. I thank my dead friend and my guiding angel for having found out about this through illustrator/painter Mari Inukai's instagram post.

I left her a comment asking if she knew of an ArtReach in the OC. After looking for it on google I've found the following:

"We strive to increase access to visual arts education by taking professional artists into K-6 schools throughout San Diego County to provide hands-on, standards-based workshops."

I just sent them a message on their facebook page. I hope they reply with good news.

Radio for the Soul

Tonight I rediscovered Doreen Virtue. I searched her name a few months ago but nothing came from it. I searched her name again tonight and found I was blind and now I see. Her first book she authored is Solomon's Angel. I find the book will be a huge asset and blessing to my student screenplay, Gracie: Demon Hunter.

In my story Gracie is the only one who can harness the powers of King Solomon. She uses his ring to...

Well anyway, Doctor Doreen Virtue has shared a wealth of information on a topic I've been interested since the fall of 2013. I sent her an email about this, but I don't know if she'll replay with good news. I hope she lets me use her book to help me write.

I believe my guardian angel Chamuel and my dead friend have guided me to Doctor Virtue. But will the door be shut in front of me or will it be opened?

I will be doing more research on Angels using her books. Most of my ideas for Gracie have come out of my own thoughts on Catholicism. I grew up a Catholic but this year I am now not religious but spiritual.

I have been wondering if we all really do have Archangels and Doctor Virtue has confirmed it. I am grateful and thankful for that.

Her publisher has a beautiful free radio station with show titles like "Awakening Healing in Your Life". It took me less than a minute to register: